BitTorrent Creates Parody Site Showing Net Neutrality World of Doom
Can you imagine a world where Net Neutrality faltered and the world had to pay up for faster loading of “priority” websites and services on the internet? If the premise…
Sports Tech: What is That World Cup Foam?
Photo: HASSAN AMMAR / AP If you live on this planet, chances are you’ve seen some of FIFA’s 2014 World Cup in Brazil this summer. And if you happened to sit down…
Elon Musk Frees Tesla Motors Patents, Plans to Rid World of Gas-powered Cars
CEO of Tesla Motors Elon Musk announced the end of private patents today. In a personal blog post titled, “All Our Patent Are Belong To You,” (A nod to gamers)…
Ringly Brings Tech to Jewelry with Vibrating Bluetooth Rings
Jewelry is already pretty pricey for the glamour, but imagine it had actual technological utility. That’s exactly Ringly’s plan, who is now selling four differently-colored “smart” rings aimed at a female…
Accepting Bitcoin: PR Stunt or Digital Trend?
It’s not just for websites like Reddit anymore: Two very different entities, 50 Cent and Dish Network, announced recently that they would begin accepting Bitcoin. While the number of people… Adds Secret Dens to Gossip-telling App, Slambook Mentality Remains
The people of Secret announced a new feature of their mobile app today. In a blog post on Secret’s blog, the addition of secret groups known as “Secret Dens” was…