Why No One Cares About Facebook Hashtags
As a way to make amends for all the information they’ve given up to the NSA, Facebook is rolling out hashtags for your posts. Rim-shots aside, the social network is looking to become…
NSA Has Your Sexts: Five Ways to Scrub Your Secrets from PRISM
PRISM has hit headlines like a Midwest derecho, and you should be worried, too, because the NSA has your sexts. And Siri is their spy. Okay, we don’t know for…
Will iOS7 Be a Game Changer? Let’s Talk Features
Now that Apple has finally shown iOS7 to the world, there have been very mixed feelings from the media (See here, here and a poll here) about the future of Apple’s…
Apple Rivals Pandora with Streaming Music on iTunes Radio
Apple is launching a rival streaming music application called iTunes Radio, throwing the company’s digital music resources- and its partnerships with music studios- into the fray against other tech giants…
Review: Samsung Galaxy S4 (AT&T)
I have been using the Samsung Galaxy S4 since a week prior to its U.S. release on AT&T. It has taken me a bit longer than usual to write about…
Tech, Telecom Giants Face Privacy Scrutiny for NSA Spying Program
Media reports accuse America’s telecom giants of providing vast troves of data about phone calls and Internet use to the National Security Agency (NSA), placing companies and politicians on the…